Comprehension Strategy Linky

I would like to thank Carla over Comprehension Connection for hosting this amazing linky party! I can't wait to hear everyone's awesome ideas!

I just had to share the lapbook I did with my summer school kiddos because we had so much fun! I had an author study that lasted the whole three weeks of summer school so it was an ongoing project that we got to put all together on the last day!

It's kind of hard to see all the individual strategies so I will break it down and tell you step by step. 

1) The first week we read Bee Tree and Babushka Baba Yaga  by Patricia Palocco. We talked about the importance of checking for understanding as we read. I taught them that after they've read about as much as their hand could cover they need to stop, think, and questions about what they've read so far. For their lap book, they folded a piece of construction paper in half and traced their hand. You can see little Johnnie's blue hand in the picture above. They stored their "hand" in their book boxes to use as they read to self until we put the book together on the last day. 

2) We  made a question foldable. You can see Sally's pink question foldable on her lap book. It's really easy. Give each student a construction paper square and have them fold the corners into the middle. They wrote who, what, when, and why on the outside corners and wrote where in the middle. They stored these in their book boxes and  were to use one question after each section they could cover with their "hand." 

3) The second week we read Thank you Mr. Falker and Emma and Kate by Patricia Palocco. We talked about author's purpose and story structure. For author's purpose they used construction paper to make a pie piece and then the wrote on the front:
p- persuade
i- inform

4) They also made a layered foldable that included four story elements: Characters, Setting, Problem and Solution. 

5) Week three: We read Mrs. Katz and Tush and we made inferences about the little boy and his friendship with Mrs. Katz. How they were similar and how their friendship came to be. 

On the last day, they put all their strategies together on file folders to make a Reading Comprehension Strategy Lap book!

I saw the idea on Pinterest so I can't claim the idea as my own but I just had to share because it was something that really motivated my struggling students!  I also wish I could give credit where credit is due but I couldn't find the pin on any of my overly full boards. :(

If you like this idea you can check out my story mapping lessons that I have for sell in my TpT store! 


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